- Prevent spurious benchmark package installation.
- Fixed bug when loading a MTFT file saved in a previous version of refnx.
- event mode data reduction sped up by an order of magnitude
- Added neutron transmission calculator (if periodictable is present)
- event file reader can now read any ANSTO packedbin file (reduction).
- Align SLD plots around a specific interface in a slab representation. Useful
if plotting many samples at the same time.
- Add MaterialSLD object that is constructed from a chemical formula and mass
density. This enables the use of specific materials to describe layers, e.g.
MaterialSLD('SiO2', density=2.2).
- Components can be multiplied by an integer to make them repeat.
- Add _open_mp_helpers to MANIFEST.in (gh381).
- update bundled vendored emcee