- GUI machinery can now use Components other than Slab, such as LipidLeaflet
(already added). New Components may require extra shim code to be written for
them. Specifically how they're to be displayed, and a default way of
initialising the Component (which may require a dialogue).
- The 'Link equivalent parameters' action has been added, enabling equivalent
parameters on other datasets to be linked. This greatly aids setup of multiple
contrast datasets. All the datasets to be linked must have the same type of
- The initialisation of a LipidLeaflet is made much easier by using a library
of lipid head/volumes and scattering lengths for popular lipids which are
presented to the user in an initialisation dialogue.
- The refnx paper is accepted and the article and manuscript file are
included in the repository.
- The pyqt GUI to refnx can be made into standalone executables for Windows,
- Fixed a bug that meant most reflectivity calculations were single-threaded
instead of multi-threaded.
- Added MixedReflectModel to the pyqt GUI, allowing one to model 'patchy'
systems, i.e. incoherent averaging of reflectivities.
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: the slabs properties of `Component` and
`Structure` have now been changed to methods, taking the optional `structure`
kwd parameter. The reason for this is so each `Component` knows what kind of
`Structure` it is in.
- The Spline Component can be used within the pyqt GUI.
- In the pyqt gui Components can be re-ordered within their host structure by
drag/drop. Dragging to other Structures copies the Component to that
- Added the Stack Component. A Stack contains a series of Components, and the
Stack.repeats attribute can be used to produce a multilayer repeat structure.
- Folded in a reduction pyqt gui for Platypus data. The app was already in the
slim directory. It's now available from refnx.reduce.gui