* Support shapefiles with binary field names. * Recurse directories and ZIP files in `loadshapefiles`. * `loadshapefiles` will not create a boundary set if no shapefiles are found.
Identified quirks:
* If a shapefile has `_cleaned_` in its name, it will not be loaded, unless created by Represent Boundaries.
* Fix regression with `loadshapefiles` skip logic.
* Remove the `--database` (`-u`) option from the `loadshapefiles` management command, which would only specify the database in which to find the `spatial_ref_sys` table. * Make non-integer `offset` error message consistent with non-integer `limit` error message. * `format=wkt` and `format=kml` no longer error in Django 1.7. * I18n support. * Add tests.
Identified quirks:
* The `shape`, `simple_shape` and `centroid` endpoints ignore the `pretty` parameter.