This first release is a [significant refactoring]( of [django-boundaryservice]( from [this commit]( Minor changes may not be logged.
* Don't `SELECT` geometries when retrieving boundary sets from the database.
* Fix various small bugs and encoding issues and improve error messages.
* Use plural endpoints `boundary-sets` and `boundaries` instead of `boundary-set` and `boundary`.
* Move boundary detail endpoint from `boundaries/<boundary-slug>/` to `boundaries/<boundary-set-slug>/<boundary-slug>/`.
* Remove some fields from list endpoints, remove geospatial fields from detail endpoints, and add geospatial endpoints.
* Add a `touches` boundary filter.
* Change the semantics of the `intersects` boundary filter from "intersects" to "covers or overlaps".
* If the parameter `format=apibrowser` is present, display a HTML version of the JSON response.
* Support `format=kml` and `format=wkt`.
* Rename `name` to `name_plural`, `singular` to `name_singular`, and `boundaries` to `boundaries_url` on boundary sets.
* Move `boundaries_url` under `related` on boundary sets.
* Change `boundaries_url` from a list of boundary detail URLs to a boundary list URL.
* Add `licence_url` to the detail of boundary sets.
* Remove `slug`, `resource_uri`, `count` and `metadata_fields` from the detail of boundary sets.
* Rename `kind` to `boundary_set_name` and `set` to `boundary_set_url` on boundaries.
* Move `boundary_set_url` under `related` on boundaries.
* Add `shape_url`, `simple_shape_url`, `centroid_url` and `boundaries_url` under `related` to the detail of boundaries.
* Remove `slug`, `resource_uri` and `centroid` from the detail of boundaries.
* Loading shapefiles
* Allow multiple `` files anywhere in the shapefiles directory tree, instead of a single `` file.
* Use EPSG:4326 (WGS 84, Google Maps) instead of EPSG:4269 (NAD 83, US Census) by default.
* Add a `--reload` switch to re-load shapefiles that have already been loaded.
* Remove the `--clear` switch.
* Make the simplification tolerance configurable.
* Definition files
* Rename `ider` to `id_func`, `namer` to `name_func`, and `href` to `source_url`.
* New `slug_func` to set a custom slug.
* New `licence_url` field to link to a data license.
* If `singular`, `id_func` or `slug_func` are not set, use sensible defaults.