
Latest version: v7.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure

Breaking changes

- Revert the allowance of the ``...`` (Ellipsis) statement, as of 4.0. It is
not needed to support Python 3.8.
The security implications of the Ellipsis Statement is not 100 % clear and is
not checked. ``...`` (Ellipsis) is disallowed again.


- Add support for f-strings in Python 3.6+.
(`123 <>`_)


Not secure


Not secure

- Add name check for names assigned during imports using the
``from x import y`` format.

- Add test for name check when assigning an alias using multiple-context
``with`` statements in Python 2.7.

- Add tests for protection of the iterators for dict and set comprehensions
in Python 2.7.


Not secure

- Remove support for ``DocumentTemplate.sequence`` - this is handled in the
DocumentTemplate package itself.


Not secure

- Remove a testing dependency on ``zope.testing``.


Not secure

- Add tests for ``Utilities`` module.

- Filter DeprecationWarnings when importing Python's ``sets`` module.

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