
Latest version: v7.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- Drop legacy support for Python 2.1 / 2.2 (``__future__`` imports
of ``nested_scopes`` / ``generators``.).


Not secure

- Fix deprecation warning: ``with`` is now a reserved keyword on
Python 2.6. That means RestrictedPython should run on Python 2.6
now. Thanks to Ranjith Kannikara, GSoC Student for the patch.

- Add tests for ternary if expression and for ``with`` keyword and
context managers.


Not secure

- Changed homepage URL to the PyPI site

- Improve ``README.txt``.



- Fix Bare conditional in
a Zope 2 PythonScript followed by a comment causes SyntaxError.



- RestrictedPython now has its own release cycle as a separate project.

- Synchronized with RestrictedPython from Zope 2 tree.



- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.

- No changes from 3.1.0.

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