
Latest version: v1.0.5

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- Add local implementation of Substrate SCALE encoding (remove dependency from [scalecodec](
- Add support to [BIP32-Ed25519 (Khovratovich/Law)]( derivation scheme
- `Bip32Base.FromPrivateKey` and `Bip32Base.FromPublicKey` can now recover the full derivation data (if specified)
- `Bip44Base.FromPrivateKey` can now recover the full derivation data (if specified)
- Add `Bip44Base.FromPublicKey` method
- Always use Cryptodome for *RIPEMD160*


- Add support for Bitcoin Taproot addresses (P2TR)
- Add support for [BIP-0086](
- Add support for [bech32m](
- Add support for Algorand 25-word mnemonic
- Add support for Solana SPL token
- P2WPKH decoding/encoding methods don't need anymore the witness version as parameter, since it's fixed to zero internally (it can still be passed without errors though, it's just ignored)
- Use Cryptodome if *ripemd160* and *sha512_256* algorithms are not available in *hashlib*
- Add documentation using sphinx
- Some refactoring for mnemonic module
- **Breaking changes**:
- Mnemonic-specific checksum exceptions (i.e. `Bip39ChecksumError` and `MoneroChecksumError`) were replaced by the common `MnemonicChecksumError`


- Exported some missing utility classes


- Add support for the following coins: Akash Network, Certik, Near Protocol, Osmosis, Secret Network:

|Coin | Main net enum | Test net enum|
|Akash Network | `Bip44Coins.AKASH_NETWORK` | - |
|Certik | `Bip44Coins.CERTIK` | - |
|Near Protocol | `Bip44Coins.NEAR_PROTOCOL` | - |
|Osmosis | `Bip44Coins.OSMOSIS` | - |
|Secret Network (old path)|`Bip44Coins.SECRET_NETWORK_OLD`|- |
|Secret Network (new path)|`Bip44Coins.SECRET_NETWORK_NEW`|- |

- Add possibility to decode and validate addresses. The old address classes are split into decoder/encoder classes to maintain the same design of the other decoding/encoding modules (e.g. `AlgoAddrDecoder`, `AlgoAddrEncoder`). The old address classes are kept for compatibility but they are just aliases for the correspondent encoder class (e.g. `AlgoAddr` -> `AlgoAddrEncoder`) .
- Add support to [BIP-0038]( (with and without EC multiplication)
- Some minor improvements and refactoring


- Add support for Celo, eCash and Bitcoin Cash Simple Ledger Protocol:

|Coin|Main net enum|Test net enum|

|Coin|Main net enum|Test net enum|

- Add class `BchAddrConverter` for converting Bitcoin Cash addresses
- Fix point from/to bytes conversion when using *ecdsa* < 0.17


- Add configuration files for flake8 and prospector
- Fix all flake8 warnings
- Fix the vast majority of prospector warnings
- Remove all star imports (`import *`)

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