
Latest version: v1.0.5

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- Minor improvements in `Bip32` module


- Fix `BipCoinBase.ComputeAddress` method, raising exception in case of invalid address class


- Improve and simplify coin configuration so that it's easier to read, modify and maintain
- Add classes for private and public keys that are in charge of getting keys with different format
- Refactor `Bip32` class
- Move exceptions to separated files
- General code re-factor and improvement


- Fix minimum depth for public derivation (set to account level)


- Fix bug in `PathParser` class
- Refactor `PathParser` class
- Add possibility to use `p` for hardened indexes, e.g. `m/0'/1'` is the same of `m/0p/1p`


- Add some simple methods to Bip classes: `Bip44Base.SpecName`, `Bip44Base.CoinNames`, `Bip44Base.IsCoinAllowed`, `Bip44Base.IsPublicOnly`, `Bip44Base.IsTestNet`
- Add `GetConfig` method to coin helper classes, remove `GetWifNetVersion` method
- Export `EntropyGenerator`
- Rename `Bip32.IsIndexHardened` to `Bip32.IsHardenedIndex`
- Remove `Bip32.SetTestNet` method
- Remove useless exceptions
- Add support for Dogecoin BIP-0049
- Fix DASH WIF main net version and Dogecoin test net versions

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