
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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_Released August 10, 2015_

- Access metadata attributes using array syntax
- Include the HTTP 'Accept' header by default


_Released May 4, 2015_

- New Configuration method to force HTTP Basic authentication
- Added methods for easily generating CSV, array and JSON structures directly from results
- Modifications to support both Guzzle 4.x and 5.x
- Loosened version requirements on some Composer dependencies


_Released April 5, 2015_

- Major rewrite
- Added support for RETS 1.8

> **Note**: PHRETS moved to GitHub in 2011 so the commit history since can be [viewed there](


_Released 2006_


* Major release. Search results return generator instead of list for lower-footprint processing. Possibly a breaking change depending upon usage.
* Support Python 3.8


* Falls back to basic auth if digest returns 401 response on login


* Handles wildcard lookup_names for Standard XML responses.

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