
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Handles `Lookup` and `LookupType` responses from RETS metadata requests.
* Adding support for python 3.7
* Removing support for python 3.3


* Custom search results parser allowed.


* Catching the RETS-STATUS when returned from server and parsing response code and text.


* Allowing various query types through the search method
* Allowing specified response format (COMPACT-DECODED, COMPACT, or STANDARD-XML)
* Flag for if the query uses system names (default) or standard names
* Deprecated support for Python 3.3 due to setuptools deprecation


* If a non-standard port is used during the login, that port is used for all capability requests if the capability URI is supplied and not a URL.


* Allowing custom session id cookie name viw the session_id_cookie_name parameter in the Session object

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