
Latest version: v3.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added support for Mercurial 4.3+.
- A pre-commit hook has been added.
- When an incorrect SPDX identifier is forwarded to `download` or `init`, the
tool now suggests what you might have meant.


- Under the hood, a lot of code that has to do with Git and Mercurial was moved
into its own module.
- The Docker image has been changed such that it now automagically runs
`reuse lint` on the `/data` directory unless something else is specified by
the user.


- Fixed a bug with `addheader --explicit-license` that would result in
`file.license.license` if `file.license` already existed.
- Fixed a Windows-only bug to do with calling subprocesses.
- Fixed a rare bug that would trigger when a directory is both ignored and
contains a `.git` file.



- Support Jinja (Jinja2) comment style.
- Support all multi-line comment endings when parsing for SPDX information.


- Improvements to German translation by Thomas Doczkal.
- No longer remove newlines at the end of files when using `addheader`.
- There can now be a tab as whitespace after `SPDX-License-Identifier` and



- Implemented `--root` argument to specify the root of the project without
- The linter will complain about licenses without file extensions.
- Deprecated licenses are now recognised. `lint` will complain about deprecated
- ProjectReport generation (`lint`, `spdx`) now uses Python multiprocessing,
more commonly called multi-threading outside of Python. This has a significant
speedup of approximately 300% in testing. Because of overhead, performance
increase is not exactly linear.
- For setups where multiprocessing is unsupported or unwanted,
`--no-multiprocessing` is added as flag.
- `addheader` now recognises many more extensions. Too many to list here.
- `addheader` now also recognises full filenames such as `Makefile` and
- Added BibTex comment style.
- Updated translations:
- Dutch (André Ockers, Carmen Bianca Bakker)
- French (OliBug, Vincent Lequertier)
- Galician (pd)
- German (Max Mehl)
- Esperanto (Carmen Bianca Bakker)
- Portuguese (José Vieira)
- Spanish (Roberto Bauglir)
- Turkish (T. E. Kalayci)


- The linter output has been very slightly re-ordered to be more internally
- `reuse --version` now prints a version with a Git hash on development
versions. Towards that end, the tool now depends on `setuptools-scm` during
setup. It is not a runtime dependency.


- `lint` no longer accepts path arguments. Where previously one could do
`reuse lint SUBDIRECTORY`, this is no longer possible. When linting, you must
always lint the entire project. To change the project's root, use `--root`.
- `FileReportInfo` has been removed. `FileReport` is used instead.


- A license that does not have a file extension, but whose full name is a valid
SPDX License Identifier, is now correctly identified as such. The linter will
complain about them, however.
- If the linter detects a license as being a bad license, that license can now
also be detected as being missing.
- Performance of `project.all_files()` has been improved by quite a lot.
- Files with CRLF line endings are now better supported.



- The program's package name on PyPI has been changed from `fsfe-reuse` to
`reuse`. `fsfe-reuse==1.0.0` has been created as an alias that depends on
`reuse`. `fsfe-reuse` will not receive any more updates, but will still host
the old versions.
- For users of `fsfe-reuse`, this means:
- If you depend on `fsfe-reuse` or `fsfe-reuse>=0.X.Y` in your
requirements.txt, you will get the latest version of `reuse` when you
install `fsfe-reuse`. You may like to change the name to `reuse` explicitly,
but this is not strictly necessary.
- If you depend on `fsfe-reuse==0.X.Y`, then you will keep getting that
version. When you bump the version you depend on, you will need to change
the name to `reuse`.
- If you depend on `fsfe-reuse>=0.X.Y<1.0.0`, then 0.6.0 will be the latest
version you receive. In order to get a later version, you will need to
change the name to `reuse`.



- `--include-submodules` is added to also include submodules when linting et
- `addheader` now also recognises the following extensions:
- .kt
- .xml
- .yaml
- .yml


- Made the workaround for `MachineReadableFormatError` introduced in 0.5.2 more
- Improved shebang detection in `addheader`.
- For `addheader`, the SPDX comment block now need not be the first thing in the
file. It will find the SPDX comment block and deal with it in-place.
- Git submodules are now ignored by default.
- `addheader --explicit-license` now no longer breaks on unsupported filetypes.



- `python3 -m reuse` now works.


- Updated license list to 3.6-2-g2a14810.


- Performance of `reuse lint` improved by at least a factor of 2. It no longer
does any checksums on files behind the scenes.
- Also handle `MachineReadableFormatError` when parsing DEP5 files. Tries to
import that error. If the import is unsuccessful, it is handled.

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