
Latest version: v4.0.3

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Scan your dependencies

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- Internationalisation support added. Initial support for:
- English.
- Dutch.
- Esperanto.
- Spanish.


- The license list of SPDX 3.0 has deprecated `GPL-3.0` and `GPL-3.0+` et al in
favour of `GPL-3.0-only` and `GPL-3.0-or-later`. The program has been amended
to accommodate sufficiently for those licenses.


- `Project.reuse_info_of` now extracts, combines and returns information both
from the file itself and from debian/copyright.
- `ReuseInfo` now holds sets instead of lists.
- As a result of this, `ReuseInfo` will not hold duplicates of copyright lines
or SPDX expressions.
- click removed as dependency. Good old argparse from the library is used



- The `reuse --help` text has been tidied up a little bit.


- Release date in change log fixed.
- The PyPI homepage now gets reStructuredText instead of Markdown.



- Successfully parse old-style C and HTML comments now.
- Added `reuse compile`, which creates an SPDX bill of materials.
- Added `--ignore-missing` to `reuse lint`.
- Allow to specify multiple paths to `reuse lint`.
- `chardet` added as dependency.
- `pygit2` added as soft dependency. reuse remains usable without it, but the
performance with `pygit2` is significantly better. Because `pygit2` has a
non-Python dependency (`libgit2`), it must be installed independently by the
user. In the future, when reuse is packaged natively, this will not be an


- Updated to version 2.0 of the REUSE recommendations. The most important change
is that `License-Filename` is no longer used. Instead, the filename is
deducted from `SPDX-License-Identifier`. This change is **NOT** backwards
- The conditions for linting have changed. A file is now non-compliant when:
- The license associated with the file could not be found.
- There is no SPDX expression associated with the file.
- There is no copyright notice associated with the file.
- Only read the first 4 KiB (by default) from code files rather than the entire
file when searching for SPDX tags. This speeds up the tool a bit.
- `Project.reuse_info_of` no longer raises an exception. Instead, it returns an
empty `ReuseInfo` object when no reuse information is found.
- Logging is a lot prettier now. Only output entries from the `reuse` module.


- `reuse --ignore-debian compile` now works as expected.
- The tool no longer breaks when reading a file that has a non-UTF-8 encoding.
Instead, `chardet` is used to detect the encoding before reading the file. If
a file still has errors during decoding, those errors are silently ignored and



- Removed dependency on `os.PathLike` so that Python 3.5 is actually supported



- Fixed the link to PyPI in the README.


This is a very early development release aimed at distributing the program as
soon as possible. Because this is the first release, the changelog is a little
empty beyond "created the program".

The program can do roughly the following:

- Detect the license of a given file through one of three methods (in order of
- Information embedded in the .license file.
- Information embedded in its header.
- Information from the global debian/copyright file.
- Find and report all files in a project tree of which the license could not be
- Ignore files ignored by Git.
- Do some logging into STDERR.

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