* Added type annotations to ReynirPackage's public API; now compatible with the `mypy` static type checker * Added `BIN_Db.lookup_lemma()` method in `bindb.py` * Enhanced pattern matching functionality in `matcher.py` and `simpletree.py` * Various grammar and vocabulary additions
* Added `progress_func` parameter to `Greynir.submit()` and `Greynir.parse()` functions, for progress update callbacks while a parse is ongoing * Performance regression under PyPy 7.3 fixed by refactoring token/terminal matching code in `binparser.py`. * Split `matcher.py` and moved `SimpleTree` class to `simpletree.py`. * Allowed category of word forms denoting prepositions to be restricted via `Phrases.conf`. * Switched to new-style CFFI callbacks from C++ code to Python for better performance and reliability
* Added `NounPhrase` class, allowing noun phrases to be easily encapsulated and inflected in various forms * Additions to vocabulary in `ord.compressed` * Updated documentation and README * Updated copyright notices
* Changed name of main class to Greynir (with Reynir still being available as an alias) * Updated documentation to use Greynir name instead of Reynir * Branding and styling update of Sphinx-based documentation, added `custom.css` style sheet * No change in functionality
* Adaptation to Tokenizer 2.0.0 * Better handling of hyphenated words, including _þingmenn og -konur_, _málfræði-greining_, etc. * Added terminal types for `USERNAME`, `SERIALNUMBER` and `MOLECULE` tokens * Various bug fixes and additions to test suite
* Many improvements to grammar and vocabulary * The gender neutral pronoun _hán_ is now supported in the grammar * Parse trees are now annotated with accumulative node scores * sequence terminals added, matching any of _1,2,3..._, _a,b,c..._, _i,ii,iii..._