
Latest version: v3.5.7

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Support for new token types: ``TOK.DATEABS``, ``TOK.DATEREL``, ``TOK.TIMESTAMPABS``, ``TOK.TIMESTAMPREL``, ``TOK.MEASUREMENT``. Extended grammar support for date and time phrases. Added ``SimpleTree.top_matches(pattern)``, and the tree properties ``nominative``, ``indefinite``, ``canonical``, ``nominative_np``, ``indefinite_np``, and ``canonical_np``. Documentation and test suite updates.


This release adds the `SimpleTree.all_variants` property. Python-side parse tree construction from the C++ tree is now faster since empty nodes are now immediately translated to `None`.


Update to the child coalescion code in `` to fix error when parsing certain sentences.


Fixes bug in parsing code in `` that caused some complex sentences to raise an exception during parsing. Minor updates in README.rst and documentation.

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