
Latest version: v1.8.3

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- Updated pip release build CI [[78](]
- Added missed occurence of return values when `standalone_mode` set [[79](]


- Add new `FORCE_TERMINAL` config flag to force colours even when help output is piped
- Can also be enabled by setting environment variables `GITHUB_ACTIONS`, `FORCE_COLOR` or `PY_COLORS`
- Add new `OPTION_ENVVAR_FIRST` config flag to print environment variables before option help texts instead of after (nice for alignment if all options have an env var).
- Refactor config flag `MAX_WIDTH` to set the console `width` and not individual panels
- Can now also be set with environment variable `TERMINAL_WIDTH`
- Fix package syntax in `` for `py.typed` [[75](]
- Fix printing of return values when `standalone_mode` set [[76](]


- Added support for styling the tables that options and commands are displayed in [[69](]
- Fixed `AttributeError` from `envvar` code in some Typer usage [[70](]


- Fix missed indentation issue in subcommand help text with `inspect.cleandoc` [[67](]
- Add support for showing Click / Typer `envvar` environment variables [[36](]


- Bumped minimum version of `rich` from `10` to `10.7.0` (when `Group` was introduced)
- Refactored CLI's patching functionality to support `from rich_click.cli import patch` [[53](]
- Make `_make_rich_rext` remove text indentations using `inspect.cleandoc` [[55](]
- Import `rich_click` into main namespace for Pylance [[64](]
- Add support of new click `hidden` command parameter [[62](]
- Don't show Typer positional arguments unless `SHOW_ARGUMENTS` is specified [[59](]
- Fix `\f` escape marker for new versions of Click, including in markdown [[60](]
- New config option `STYLE_COMMANDS_TABLE_COLUMN_WIDTH_RATIO` to fix column widths across groups [[119](]


- Added initial support for [Typer]( [[#26](]
- Mark PEP 561 Compatibility [[41](]
- Distribution now available via MacPorts [[42](]
- Add typing information [[39](]
- Refactor `RichCommand` and `RichGroup` out of `rich_click` [[38](]
- Change metavar overflow to `fold`, so that large numbers of choices flow onto new lines instead of being truncated with an ellipsis [[33](]
- Make metavar separators dim (`[]`,`<>`) (customise with `STYLE_METAVAR_SEPARATOR`)
- Add pre-commit config and a lot more linters (iSort, mypy, Flake8) [[40](]
- Monkey-patch `RichCommand` and `RichGroup` in CLI code for better `rich-click` compatibility with more tools [[43](]
- Parse emoji shortcodes `:partying_face:` [[51](]
- Pushed minimum version of Python up to 3.7, in line with [Click v8.1](
- Fixed bug where `--no-myflag` wasn't showing in the help [[45](]

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