
Latest version: v1.8.3

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- Support the command `short_help` argument [[28](]
- Added `USE_CLICK_SHORT_HELP` global to enable default click shortening of help messages [[28](]
- Avoid `AttributeError` exceptions when using custom exception classes based on click that don't have `ctx` [[27](]
- Fix bug in inverted secondary options [[31](]
- Refactor printing options to handle arbitrary numbers of flags [[32](]


- New CLI functionality to richifiy via prefix any other tool using click, by pawamoy [[13](]
- Distribution now available via conda-forge


Hotfix patch release to remove an accidental `from turtle import st` that crept in due to a pesky VSCode plugin.
Many thanks to [ashb](httpsd:// for spotting.


- Added support for `HEADER_TEXT` and `FOOTER_TEXT` to go before and after help output
- Catch Abort exceptions from `cmd+c` and print nicely using `ABORTED_TEXT`
- Handle missing `click.types._NumberRangeBase` in click 7x [[16](]
- Fix compatibility issue for rich 10.6 (`group` vs `render_group` import) [[16](]
- Require at least click v7.0 (released 2018) [[16](]
- Require at least rich v10 (released March 2021) [[16](]
- Unwrap single newlines in option and group-command help texts [[23](]
- Add click `\b` escape marker functionality into help text rendering [[24](]
- Fix syntax in example in README file by fridex [[15](]


- _**Major change:**_ New usage, so that we can avoid having to do monkey patching [[10](]
- Now use with `import rich_click as click`
- Add ability to create groups of options with separate panels
- Show positional arguments in their own panel by default
- Add config `GROUP_ARGUMENTS_OPTIONS` option to group with options
- Improve handing of metavars, give option to show appended instead of in column
- Add `COLOR_SYSTEM` option to add ability to disable colours
- Add options to customise error message help texts
- Add support for printing errors nicely
- A lot of additional testing and tweaking


- Add ability to create groups of commands with separate panels
- Add support for rich console markup or Markdown in help texts
- Set default for `MAX_WIDTH` to `None` instead of `100`
- Switch boolean option `SKIP_ARGUMENTS` to `SHOW_ARGUMENTS`
- Improve regular expression for flags like `-bg`
- Use click's string for default value, instead of the value directly
- Show some previously missed metavar types (eg. choice and range options)
- Stripped required-asterisk column from options table if none are required

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