
Latest version: v1.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Add Hyperlink Support
- Add python 3.11 and 3.12 classifiers
- Add UTF-8 header
- Add rich as a dependency
- Refactor
- Fix too many arguments to unpack when visiting block quote


- Fix entire text being showed as a inline codeblock when only the first text is
- Fix


- Fix a issue where if a document started with bare text (not headers) then it would crash


- Fix a debug print message showing up
- Fix paragraphs not having adequate separation
- Fix code blocks having too much separation


- Fix text being truncated (
- Doctest blocks now use the `pycon` lexer rather than the default `python` lexer since the `pycon` lexer is especially made for console sessions



- Change caution style from `white on red` to just `red`
- Fix line breaks for enumerated lists and bullet lists

New Features

- Add a filename parameter to the `RestructuredText` class
- Add another alias `reST`


- Add new parameter for setting custom html width for word wrapping
- Add custom html layout for custom selection color, max width and font
- System messages now use the file name instead of `<string>`

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