
Latest version: v1.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Admonitions are now shown inside panels
- Fields are now shown inside tables
- Default value for guess_lexer is now False


- Fix default lexer not being used sometimes
- Improve formatting for html with raw tag
- Add hide-error option for the CLI


New Features

- Add support for acronym
- Add support for attribution
- Add support for citations and citation references
- Add support for decoration
- Add support for footers
- Add support for headers
- Add support for footnotes
- Add support for more elements in definition lists and improve formatting
- Add subscript and superscript support for some letters and symbols
- Add support for pending
- Add support for raw

- Add custom default lexer support
- Add support for guessing the lexer

- Add code theme argument
- Add support for html output


- Add demos to the demos folder
- Specify that caption is not possible
- Specify that figures are not supported


- Fix a bug where newlines weren't replaced with spaces as they should be
- Also get lexer name from format for literal codeblocks


- Add support for the rubric element
- Fix a but where the error message wasn't parsed properly and therefore the parser crashed
- Fix system messages showing up twice
- Fix math blocks not having new lines


- Add support for most of the elements possible


- Add `code_theme` parameter support for code blocks

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