
Latest version: v3.2.0

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* Quickfix for sample commands.


* Added support for interacting with subscription resources.
* New *rirelay* service samples.
* New helpers commands for local configuration initialisation.
* New helpers for setting up a local event notification receiver using flask and a tool such as ngrok.


* Initial release of *ricloud-py* for the ricloud v3 API. This implementation is not compatible with older versions of the API. See the API docs for more information on new features in the ricloud v3 API.


* Use sessions to improve connection efficiency in API calls.
* Clear critical path in asmaster file handler. This helps the listener thread consume the stream faster by a few orders of magnitude.
* Minor logging of pending result handling added.
* Some extra profiling for asmaster handlers.


* Improve *asmaster* listener to allow simpler configuration of custom result handlers.


* Update version of requests in requirements due to vulnerability discovery.
* Decouple database handler from core code to make requirement of MySQL dependencies optional.
* Minor fixes and code cleanup.

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