
Latest version: v3.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* Fix use of non-public pip utility.


Not secure
* Add dedicated handler for temporary files.
* Fix bug where the client in listener mode would hold onto partially complete files forever in case of connection issues. This could lead to the client using a large amount of disk space for corrupted files.


Not secure
* Quickfix for listener stream thread exception handling and lifetime management.


Not secure
* Tweaks to listener worker and stream threads. This makes them less resources hungry and more reliable.
* Add status command for a quick overview of the latest occurrences of key messages in the log.


Not secure
* Slight modification to component responsibilities. This gives us better oversight over the state of the stream listener thread.
* Simplify Stream interface, add logging, and minor code improvements elsewhere.


Not secure
* Improved the robustness of the new worker thread when in *asmaster* listener mode. Extra logging around errors here.
* Extra debug logging around the *asmaster* listener to aid in issue diagnosis.
* Complete setting up CircleCI testing.
* Some nice badges in the README.

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