
Latest version: v0.19.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug Fixes

- Modified the output of the ``--interpreters`` flag for the riot list command to be sorted by versions and be newline-separated instead of comma-separated.


New Features

- A ``--interpreters`` flag has been added to the riot list command, which will output a list containing
the unique python versions corresponding to each matching riot venv.


New Features

- Add ``RIOT_ENV_BASE_PATH`` environment variable to change the default path of ``.riot`` directory instead of current

- Riot can now be used to run commands in virtual environments even when a
Python setup file is not available in the working directory. A warning will
be issued in these cases instead.

Bug Fixes

- Ensure a "restart" of virtualenv deleting the old one with recreation option (-r)

- Riot will now use the path of the actual discovered Python binary to create
virtual environments, instead of using wrapping shell scripts (e.g. pyenv

- Ensure that the dev package is always installed in the base environment when
it is created for the first time, if any exist.


Bug Fixes

- Fixed the `shell` command to use the correct virtual environment instead of always defaulting to the base one.


Bug Fixes

- Fix issue with `riot shell` not passing required environment variables
- Fix issues with `riot shell` always trying to source `~/.bashrc`


New Features

- The shell command now uses the system default shell as specified by the `SHELL` variable instead of enforcing the use of bash.

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