
Latest version: v1.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Easy resources updated to use create_fields, update_fields, and list_fields options.
- append_slash option added to easy resources
- Simplified mechanism of getting relationships to avoid private variables



- Nothing changed yet.



- Fixed bug in retrieve_list with improperly named link to previous ("prev" --> "previous")
- Removed all fields flag.
- Renamed alcehmymanager to alchemymanager
- easy resources added. By simply calling create_resource with a session_handler and sqlalchemy model, you can automatically create a full resource. and immediately add it to a dispatcher.



- Added valid_fields static method to BaseManager which is helper for getting valid fields.



- pylint shit.
- Moved dispatch_base up and removed dispatch package
- Moved manager_base and removed manager package.
- Added append_slash class attribute to ResourceBase. Setting this attribute to True automatically appends a slash to the end of the base_url and base_url_sans_pks. Defaults to False.



- Renamed viewsets package to resources
- Many underscore fields were removed with the exception of _relationships and _links
- Fields default to checking the Query string, request body and url parameters for argument if no arg_type is specified.
- Query args can be specified in relationships. Every argument available will be appended to the query string
- query args on a resource is now a list that simply pulls from the properties.
- Removed translate method from request container. Instead the request object is now injected into the translate_fields method from ripozo.viewsets.fields.base module

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