
Latest version: v1.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed error with formatting exceptions



- Added links
- Added _list_fields attribute to BaseManager for more efficient querying when necessary
- Moved getting the adapter class based on the format type in the dispatcher to its own method.



- Fields no longer have a default.
- Adapter.extra_headers returns a dictionary instead of a list
- Fields can specify an error message.
- ListField added
- Fixed deep inheritance issue with translate decorator.
- Added the name of the relationship as an item in the rel list in the SIREN adapter.



- Endpoint name



- Fixed bug with RetrieveRetrieveList mixin
- Added ``picky_processor`` which specifically includes processors to include or exclude.
- pre and post processors now get the name of the function being called. before running



- Fucked up...

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