
Latest version: v7.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Ensure compatibility with ``SQLAlchemy >= 1.4``.

Other changes

- Use github actions as CI.



Backward incompatible changes

- Drop support for Python 2.

- Drop the ``python2`` extra in ``setup.py``.


- No longer constraint to ``zope.component < 4.4.1`` (introduced in 3.0).



Backward incompatible changes

- Add support for ``zope.sqlalchemy >= 1.3`` by requiring at least this version.
(Older versions only supported ``zope.sqlalchemy <= 1.2``.)

- Drop support for PyPy, PyPy3, Python 3.4 and 3.5.

Other changes

- Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9a3.

- Migrate to Github.



- Drop support for Python 3.3.

- Reintroduce `RoutingSession.using_bind` as it is needed for executing queries
in multi database environments. It was removed in version `2.0`.

- Pin to ``zope.component < 4.4.1`` for now as we are using a private variable
from this package which has been removed lately.



- Add the fixture ``.fixtures.database__selenium_testing`` to switch SQLAlchemy
session handling to into the same way the live server does it. Using this
fixture leads to `DetachedInstanceError` exceptions when using a database
object after the commit. It has to be fetched again from the database.

- Omit files from sdist which are related to buildout, testing or mercurial.



- Support Python 3.6 and PyPy3.

- Fix `setup.py` to no longer use absolute paths.

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