- CAUTION: Backward incompatible changes to provide multiple database
support. You need to change:
* Use the ``pyramid`` extra to use the pyramid serializers and call
``.serializer.patch()`` by yourself.
* Changes in `.model`:
+ Use `.model.declarative_base(cls)` to register a class as SQLALchemy
+ Use your own declarative_base as `.model.Object` has been dropped.
+ Create your own `ReflectedObject` as `.model.ReflectedObject` has been
* Changes in `.db.Database`:
+ To get an instance use `.db.get_database(testing=<True|False>)`.
+ To register a database with the utility use ``register_engine``.
+ ``empty`` now expects to get the engine as first argument and allows to
cadcade via (``cascade=True``).
+ ``_verify`` was removed, use ``_verify_engine`` now.
+ ``setup_utility`` was removed, it is now done in ``__init__``.
+ To access former ``engine attribute use ``get_engine``.
+ ``close`` was renamed to ``drop_engine``.
+ To create all tables for a database use ``create_all``.
* Changes in `.testing`:
+ ``setUpDB`` lost its first argument as it was not used.
+ ``setUp`` now expects a dict or ``None``, see its docstring.
- Provide a way to insert default values for new created models. (1137)
- Added support for schema migrations with alembic.
- Dropped support for `Python 2.6`.
- Added convenience functions to create `py.test` database fixtures.
- Declared `pyramid` as test dependency so tests only need the ``test``
- Declared testing dependency on `plone.testing[test]` since we use
`plone.testing.zca` which imports that ``test`` extra's dependencies.