
Latest version: v3.18.3

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- if the value being tested is out of bounds, then skip with error immediately


- fix pypi dependencies for docs


- scounteren can be a ro\_constant now
- the maxval checks for mask/fixedval should be based on the length of the part
- adding support for mtval\_update field
- adding support for pte\_ad\_hw\_update field
- cleaned up documentation


- created new warl class for warl node handling

- better comments
- more functions to keep things simple
- fixed a lot of bugs in checking legal values
- bitmask and range values can now co-exist in a legal string
- added new and improved checks for syntax validity of warl strings

- fixed validationError function to correctly print all errors (dict and/or list)
- removed wr\_illegal checks from the schema since they are now done as part of the new warl class
- updates to the new warl checks and reset-value checks
- satp.mode should have one of sv\* translation schemes as a legal value. (89)
- default setters for pmps fixed
- pmp checks have been improved (88)
- improve WARL documentation


- Support for Zfinx, Zdinx, Zfh, Zhinx, Zhinxmin in ISA string added.


- fixed bug in regex where Zk and Zknh were missing an underscore

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