
Latest version: v0.12.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Updated logger to enable logging for API calls.


- Update instruction format of aes32 and sm4 instructions for K extensions.
- Improve the coverage of S-boxes for sm4 instructions by setting overlap = "Y" in byte_count.


- Fix sign of immediate value for branching instructions while filtering.
- Fix instruction generation while result shadowing.


- Update the sample cgf for RV32E
- fix the generation of RV32E Tests


- support for K extension and subextension instructions
- support for comments in coverpoints
- added std_op field in template.yaml to indicate is standard-instruction the pseudo op belongs to.
- added support for parsing nosat in coverpoint which disables the solvers for the current resolution.
- added sample cgf files for rv64ik and rv32ik


- Minor code restructure to support API calls.
- Fixes to include env files in pip package.

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