
Latest version: v0.12.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added missing coverpoints for JALR
- fixed CI to run main.yml on pushes to master.
- added version check for PRs in test.yml


- Updated CI to actions


- Fixed header base_isa argument
- Change header configuration argument list
- Remove first empty line in assembler output
- Add header randomization argument


- Fixed correctval generation for existing ops.
- Fixed signedness of operand values for m ext instructions.
- Added operation strings for m and c extensions.


- Added base_isa as option in cli
- Added support for register set based on base isa.
- Reformatted output values in tests to be hex strings.
- change compliance_model to model_test


- minor doc updates
- renamed compliance_test.h to arch_test.h
- added aliasing macros for v0.1 compliance framework
- split datasets and coverpoints into multiple cgfs
- support for multiple cgf as inputs
- added support for special datasets to relevant instructions
- adding explicit entry point label to all tests
- remove x2 as coverpoint in cswsp and csdsp

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