
Latest version: v1.1.50

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- Added [125]( ability to load and save [`sv.ClassificationDataset`](/0.10.0/dataset/core/#classificationdataset) in a folder structure format.

>>> import supervision as sv

>>> cs = sv.ClassificationDataset.from_folder_structure(
... root_directory_path='...'
... )

>>> cs.as_folder_structure(
... root_directory_path='...'
... )

- Added [125]( support for [`sv.ClassificationDataset.split`](/0.10.0/dataset/core/#supervision.dataset.core.ClassificationDataset.split) allowing to divide `sv.ClassificationDataset` into two parts.

- Added [110]( ability to extract masks from Roboflow API results using [`sv.Detections.from_roboflow`](/0.10.0/detection/core/#supervision.detection.core.Detections.from_roboflow).

- Added [commit hash]( Supervision Quickstart [notebook]( where you can learn more about Detection, Dataset and Video APIs.

- Changed [135]( `sv.get_video_frames_generator` documentation to better describe actual behavior.


- Added [118]( ability to select [`sv.Detections`](/0.9.0/detection/core/#supervision.detection.core.Detections.__getitem__) by index, list of indexes or slice. Here is an example illustrating the new selection methods.

>>> import supervision as sv

>>> detections = sv.Detections(...)
>>> len(detections[0])
>>> len(detections[[0, 1]])
>>> len(detections[0:2])

- Added [101]( ability to extract masks from YOLOv8 result using [`sv.Detections.from_yolov8`](/0.8.0/detection/core/#supervision.detection.core.Detections.from_yolov8). Here is an example illustrating how to extract boolean masks from the result of the YOLOv8 model inference.

- Added [122]( ability to crop image using [`sv.crop`](/0.9.0/utils/image/#crop). Here is an example showing how to get a separate crop for each detection in `sv.Detections`.

- Added [120]( ability to conveniently save multiple images into directory using [`sv.ImageSink`](/0.9.0/utils/image/#imagesink). Here is an example showing how to save every tenth video frame as a separate image.

>>> import supervision as sv

>>> with sv.ImageSink(target_dir_path='target/directory/path') as sink:
... for image in sv.get_video_frames_generator(source_path='source_video.mp4', stride=10):
... sink.save_image(image=image)

- Fixed [106]( inconvenient handling of [`sv.PolygonZone`](/0.8.0/detection/tools/polygon_zone/#polygonzone) coordinates. Now `sv.PolygonZone` accepts coordinates in the form of `[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]` that can be both integers and floats.


- Added [100]( support for dataset inheritance. The current `Dataset` got renamed to `DetectionDataset`. Now [`DetectionDataset`](/0.8.0/dataset/core/#detectiondataset) inherits from `BaseDataset`. This change was made to enforce the future consistency of APIs of different types of computer vision datasets.
- Added [100]( ability to save datasets in YOLO format using [`DetectionDataset.as_yolo`](/0.8.0/dataset/core/#supervision.dataset.core.DetectionDataset.as_yolo).

>>> import roboflow
>>> from roboflow import Roboflow
>>> import supervision as sv

>>> roboflow.login()

>>> rf = Roboflow()

>>> project = rf.workspace(WORKSPACE_ID).project(PROJECT_ID)
>>> dataset = project.version(PROJECT_VERSION).download("yolov5")

>>> ds = sv.DetectionDataset.from_yolo(
... images_directory_path=f"{dataset.location}/train/images",
... annotations_directory_path=f"{dataset.location}/train/labels",
... data_yaml_path=f"{dataset.location}/data.yaml"
... )

>>> ds.classes
['dog', 'person']

- Added [102]( support for [`DetectionDataset.split`](/0.8.0/dataset/core/#supervision.dataset.core.DetectionDataset.split) allowing to divide `DetectionDataset` into two parts.

>>> import supervision as sv

>>> ds = sv.DetectionDataset(...)
>>> train_ds, test_ds = ds.split(split_ratio=0.7, random_state=42, shuffle=True)

>>> len(train_ds), len(test_ds)
(700, 300)

- Changed [100]( default value of `approximation_percentage` parameter from `0.75` to `0.0` in `DetectionDataset.as_yolo` and `DetectionDataset.as_pascal_voc`.


- Added [91]( `Detections.from_yolo_nas` to enable seamless integration with [YOLO-NAS]( model.
- Added [86]( ability to load datasets in YOLO format using `Dataset.from_yolo`.
- Added [84]( `Detections.merge` to merge multiple `Detections` objects together.
- Fixed [81]( `LineZoneAnnotator.annotate` does not return annotated frame.
- Changed [44]( `LineZoneAnnotator.annotate` to allow for custom text for the in and out tags.


- Added [71]( initial `Dataset` support and ability to save `Detections` in Pascal VOC XML format.
- Added [71]( new `mask_to_polygons`, `filter_polygons_by_area`, `polygon_to_xyxy` and `approximate_polygon` utilities.
- Added [72]( ability to load Pascal VOC XML **object detections** dataset as `Dataset`.
- Changed [70]( order of `Detections` attributes to make it consistent with order of objects in `__iter__` tuple.
- Changed [71]( `generate_2d_mask` to `polygon_to_mask`.


- Fixed [63]( `LineZone.trigger` function expects 4 values instead of 5.

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