
Latest version: v0.22.0

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- Improve processing speed of `ps` and `pcl` files
- Call `pcl6` and `gs` (ghostscript) via subprocess to render images instead of using `wand.image`
- Option to embed template screenshots in `Image Should Contain Template` in original size

Thank you wanghui-00 and simonmeggle for your contributions! πŸ‘



- `Image Should Contain Template` has option to crop `template` image before comparison by using arguments `tpl_crop_x1`, `tpl_crop_y1`, `tpl_crop_x2`, `tpl_crop_x2`,
- Default `threshold` in `Image Should Contain Template` has been adjusted to `0.0` to only consider exact matches
- Template image can be logged as screenshot in `Image Should Contain Template`
- Names of screenshot files are added to Log

- `Image Should Contain Template` now throws correct AssertionError in case the template was not found in image

Thank you simonmeggle for your contribution πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ


- Python 3.12 support
- Add Keyword `Image Should Contain Template`
- This will find a small image `template` in a bigger `image`


- Support `URLs` (in addition to local files) for PDF Content and Print Job Keywords


Lock PyMuPDF version to <1.23.0.
The new 1.23.0 brought some breaking changes, so maximum version of PyMuPDF for now is 1.22.5 until I fix the problems.


Remove ThreadPool Executor in VisualTest
- Reference and Candidate Images were rendered in parallel using ThreadPool Executor
- It was now removed because
- There was no improved speed
- It made debugging tricky
- Logging from those parallel Threads was tricky
- It caused some strange problems when an exception was raised in one of the Threads.

Speed improvement when using OCR for Masks
- In case of multiple masks using OCR, the text recognition was triggered for each mask separately
- Now OCR is only triggered once and the identified texts and positions are stored and re-used by the succeeding mask

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