
Latest version: v0.22.0

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Make libdmtx optional

- Only try to import libdmtx when `contain_barcodes` is `True`


- Add `blur` option to reduce visual differenes caused by noise
- Allow `threshold` as argument to `Compare Images` Keyword (before it was only allowed on Library Level)
- Fix some issues with `DPI` setting on Library Import vs `DPI` on `Compare Images` Keyword


Allow URLs for image comparisons (instead of filepaths)


- Add very quick pixel-wise image comparison in beginning
- Perform structural similarity check only if pixel-wise comparison failed
- Improve Watermark check

Improved (experimental) text detection with `east` when using argument `ocr_engine=east`

Allow usage of `dict` , `list` and `strings` for `mask` argument, to ignore parts from comparison without additional placeholder_file

Allow comparing if images with different sizes (they will be scaled to match before comparison) with argument `resize_candidate`

Better keyword documentation of `Compare Images` Keyword

Cleanup and refactor to use poetry for dependencies, build and publish.
Removed some unneeded files and dependencies like pdfminer.six.
Minor changes to functionality.

- PDF Should Contain Strings now also accepts single string as an argument (before it only accepted Lists)
- Removed infinite recursion error when using deepdiff to check [mediabox] object in PDF Content check

- Use PyMuPDF (instead of GhostScript/ImageMagick) for rendering PDF files before visual comparison.
- Use PyMuPDF (instead of pdfminer) to parse PDF content like metadata, text, fonts, images, signatures.
- Option to provide watermark_file as parameter for visual comparison
- More content checks on PDF files possible
- Checking move_tolerance for visual comparison is more accurate

Bug fixes for
- Images with different dimensions shwing up as equal
- move_tolerance checks at the edge of image


It's the first public release of the library that offers it's core functionality - comparing (pdf) documents visually.
There might be plenty of issues with the "advanced" features like 'move_tolerance'.
Unit Test Coverage also needs to be increased.
But - it's a start...

deepdiff package was missing as required depency

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