
Latest version: v0.9.2

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* Add ``Scroll Element Into View`` keyword
* Using locator instead of element to prevent stale exception in ``_wait_until_page_ready``
* Using locator position to indicate the argument type
* Add new classifier Framework :: Robot Framework



* Add default timeout for ``_wait_until_page_ready``
* Refactor ``_wait_until_page_ready`` to reduce its complexity
* Include page ready keywords return values as part of ``_wait_until_page_ready`` return value
* Follow lint suggestion



* Different approach of waiting to bring speed improvement



* Add `skip_ready` argument to skip page ready check.
* Add ``get_screen_size`` keyword.
* Add Python 3.x support.
* Follow lint suggestion.



* Bugfixes



* Add ``Execute Async Javascript With Replaced Variables`` keyword.
* Add ``Execute Javascript With Replaced Variables`` keyword.
* Add ``Wait For Condition With Replaced Variables`` keyword.
* Add ``Warn Any Javascript Errors`` keyword.
* Major restructure on existing keywords for better maintainability.

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