
Latest version: v0.9.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Fixes ``wait_for_async_condition`` typos
* Follow flake8 and pylint recommendation



* Fixes ``get_location`` to consider AngularJS synchronization, this is specially apparent on IE
* Adds ``element_attribute_should_contain`` and ``element_attribute_should_not_contain`` keywords to support element attribute verification
* Adds ``wait_until_location_contains`` and ``wait_until_location_does_not_contain`` to support current URL verification
* Adds more documentation
* Adds package registration as part of make task



* Removes part of ``_input_text_into_text_field`` method and inherits directly from Selenium2Library
* Overrides ``get_location`` method with cross browser support
* Removes ``location_should_be`` method
* Removes ``_is_firefox`` method
* Inherits class documentation from Selenium2Library with minor adjustments
* Adds documentation and licensing information
* Removes unneeded exclude in manifest file
* Minor syntax adjustments



* Initial library launch

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