
Latest version: v0.9.7

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What's new

- Fixes 305 with try catch instead of if lucagiove (306)


What's new

- Removed sleep and replaced with 'Wait Until Http Server Is Up And Running' lucagiove (294)
- Include license file in source distribution synapticarbors (293)


- Fixed redirect tests to use local http server lucagiove (291)


What's new

This version includes a new feature for uploading data in streaming mode without loading big files in memory, thanks to UVV-gh collaboration.
Logging has been refactored and is now ready for further enhancements.


- More complete logging for requests and responses lucagiove (285)
- Automatically truncate long data in logs except if loglevel is set to debug or trace lucagiove (285)
- Add `Get File For Streaming Upload` keyword UVV-gh (224)


- Fix missing data in requests logging lucagiove (285)
- Fix Windows tests with local flask server vmarrazzo (279)


- Integrate pytest for unittests in GitHub Actions lucagiove (281)
- Automatic documentation update on new versions lucagiove (273)

Forever Open Source ;)

Thanks to bulkan (the original author) that moved the repo to MarketSquare, this allowed me to enhance a lot the Continuous Integration and Community contribution.
Thanks to UVV-gh that submitted the PR for the new feature and worked with me to make it production ready.
Thanks also to Hi-Fi that helped me out with GitHub Actions.
Special thanks to RobotFramework-Italia and [Robot Framework Milano meetup]( for the work done during a meetup sprint.


This is mainly an internal maintenance release, no new features or fixes are visible.
Mainly GitHub workflow changes, code linting and documentation.

Those are the merged pull requests:
272 Migrated from Travis to GitHub Action, fixed flake8 errors
269 268 Improved documentation
266 Fixed workflow for draft release


This is mainly an internal maintenance release, no new features or fixes are visible.
Mainly code and tests have been split and moved to different files.

Those are the merged pull requests:
263 Code cleanup
262 Pypi publish on new release
265 Fix deprecation warnings on internal flask server


Fixed 259

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