
Latest version: v0.9.7

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What's new
Status Should Be
Fails if response status code is different than the expected.
``expected_status`` could be the code number as an integer or as string.
But it could also be a named status code like 'ok', 'created', 'accepted' or 'bad request', 'not found' etc.
The ``response`` is the output of other requests keywords like ``Get Request``.
A custom message ``msg`` can be added to work like built in keywords.

Request Should Be Successful
Fails if response status code is a client or server error (4xx, 5xx).
The ``response`` is the output of other requests keywords like ``Get Request``.
In case of failure an HTTPError will be automatically raised.

Local HTTP Test Server
A local version of flask httpbin server has been integrated in the project for testing purpose.


What's new

Enhanced log
- parameters of requests are now dynamically handled
- headers defined in session are now shown in logs
- response is logged if standard python/robotframework debug level is enabled (might be verbose)

Retry on specific status codes
- is now possible to retry the request even for specific response code (eg 502, 503)
- it is also possible to specify for which method the retry is allowed

This release covered some maintenance on build and tests.
- deprecated keywords have been removed
- duplicated code have been managed
- documentation have been updated a bit

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