
Latest version: v6.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added Cover Element keyword to hide elements without breaking page layout [SergiuTudos]


- Added message param to keywords `Location Should Be` and `Location Should Contain` to display custom error message [taniabhullar]
- Added `Element Attribute Value Should Be` verifies element identified by locator contains expected attribute value.. [brian-mathews]
- Added `Get Session Id` keyword to get remote webdriver session id [ilfirinpl]
- Fixed example documentation for custom locator [DanielPBak]


- Added `Element Text Should Not Be` to check a element text is not the argument, you can ignore case with `ignore_case=True` [rubygeek]


- Added a message param to `Title Should Be` to display custom error message [rubygeek]
- Compare text regardless of case in: `Element Should Contain`, `Element Should Not Contain` and `Element Text Should Be` by passing `ignore_case=True`. The default is `False` [rubygeek]


- Hotfix release to for issue 1008.


- Added 'Get Locations' keyword [thaffenden]
- Fix getting window information and switching windows on browsers that do not
support javascript
- Added 'Get Cookie' keyword [wappowers]
- Added 'expiry' as value that can be set with 'Add Cookie' keyword [wappowers]

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