
Latest version: v6.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Moved keyword documentation to:
- Library demo project was removed, users shoud use demo from:
- docutils was removed as installation dependency.
- Edge browser support was added to Open Browser keyword [jfx].
- Unselect From List keyword was updated because selenium 2.53.0 or greater
raised an exception if item can not be unselected.
- Get Element Size keyword was added [SergiuTudos]
- Alert handling was improved to wait alert be present
- Capture Page Screenshot keyword was enhanced to support custom index definition
in the filename


- Reverted 'Press Keys' because of backwards incompatible changes [zephraph]


- Added 'Get WebElement' [zephraph][emanlove]

- Added named keys to 'Press Key' [helioguilherme66]

- Fix an import error that caused a dependence on RF >= 2.8.5

- Fixed an issue that caused screenshots to be improperly linked in the logs


- Added an argument called screenshot_root_directory that can be passed into S2L's
constructor to specify where to store screenshots.
- Added new keyword 'set_screenshot_directory' which can be used to set the output
of screenshots.

- Added new keyword Input Text Into Prompt
- Modified 'get_alert_message' to accept a parameter 'dismiss' (defaults to true) which can be
used to prevent closing the alert message and instead will just return the alerts text.
Also created new keyword 'dismiss_alert' to dismiss (default) or confirm the alert without
reading the text of the alert.

- Added new keyword Input Text Into Prompt

- Fixed issue that caused tests to fail when selenium > 2.26

- Fixed an error where regular functions were not able to be used as a custom locator

- Changed all test files to have a '.robot' extension


- Remove references to GLOBAL_VARIABLES for RF 2.9 compatibility


- Added keyword 'List Windows' to return a list of all window handles.

- Enabled 'Select Window' to return window handle as well as accept it as locator, and
select new popup window by excluding previous window handles (the strict way) or
by special locator 'new' (the simplified but less strict way).

- Added new keyword 'Wait Until Page Does Not Contain'.

- Fixed ‘NoSuchWindowException' issue. Running keyword 'Select Window' after 'Close Window'
will trigger this issue if locator has prefix 'name=','title=' or 'url='. Also fixed same
issue for keywords 'Get Window Ids', 'Get Window Titles' and 'Get Window Names'.

- Corrected error message in new keyword 'Wait Until Element Is Not
Visible' to reflect element being visible instead of not visible.

- Stop using private browsing with default Firefox profile.

- Added new keyword 'Wait Until Element Is Not Visible'.

- Added new keyword 'Element Should Not Contain'.

- Added new keyword 'Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element'.

- Added new keywords 'Wait Until Element Contains' and 'Wait Until Element Does Not Contain'

- Added new locator strategy, scLocator, for finding SmartClient and SmartGWT elements.

- Edited acceptance test scripts to automatically make known issues for the currently
known browser and python version noncritical. Also added a noncritical case to the
travis config for situations where testing is failing on travis for an unknown reason.
- 'Capture Screenshot' now attempts to create its containing directory if the directory
specified in the filename does not exist.
- 'Choose File' now fails if the file doesn't exist
- Added new keywords 'Add Location Strategy' and 'Remove Location Strategy'

- Added 'Get Window Position' and 'Set Window Position' keywords matching the
Selenium functionality.

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