
Latest version: v1.6

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Fix issue where text strings feed to JSON displayed a warning
- Fix JupyterLab context help support to work when clicked in the middlle of a keyword
- Fix to close dangling Selenium connections



- Fix issue where ${CURDIR} was broken on Windows, because it contained path without
escaped path separators required by Robot Framework
- Fix issue where suite variable listener reported errors when running robot suites,
because it tried to restore dictionary variables with empty value



- Fix issue where log and report links did not open on JupyterLab 1.0



- Move tutorials notebooks into notebooks folder
- Fix WhiteLibrary autocompletion to suggest selectors with :-separator
instead of =-separator



- Fix remaining where keeping state of suite level variables between cell
executions since 0.12.0 caused regression by fixing the listener to ignore
all known built-in variables



- Fix issue where keeping state of suite level variables between cell
executions resulted in errors caused by outdated output directory
from the old variables

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