
Latest version: v1.6

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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New features:

- Add keyword execution widgets below executed keyword cells; Add to toggle
widgets on consecutive executions without code changes

- Add listener to keep state of suite level variables between robot executions

- Add IPython display hooks

New features:

- Add updates to highlighting from ipythonrobotframework



- Add WhiteLibrary state support and interactive element picker

- Add WhiteLibraryCompanion keyword library to interactively
select elements and click elements with OpenCV templates



- Fix syntax highlighting issue where only the first variable of many was



- Update package trove classifiers




- Setuptools 40.5.0 later and Robot Framework 3.1 or later.

new features:

- Add pregenerated kernel.json in data_files to auto-install robotkernel,
but requiring



New features:

- Rewrite status updater to the status of currently run test as
``trobber | test name | keyword name | robot.api.logger.console message``

- Add embedded log and report to include Download-links at top right corner

- Add to display the results of the last executed keyword as the notebook
result for the executed code cell

- Add syntax highlighting for variables and assignment operators

Bug fixes:

- Fix issue where setup.cfg contained OS specific path separators preventing
build on Windows

- Fix issue where PNGs were interpreted as APNG on Windows preventing
them from being rendered on Windows

- Update example notebook to use SeleniumLibrary and SeleniumScreenshots
instead of SeleniumLibrary and Selenium2Screenshots

- Add to always reload libraries imported from other notebooks

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