This is a major update from version 0.8.1 including (but not limited to) the following updates:
* First open source release!
* Reorganization of source code
* Bug fixes
* Improved service definition parsing
* "Member modifiers" including `readonly`, `writeonly`, `unreliable`, `urgent`, and `perclient`
* `using`, `constant`, `enum`, and `stdver` keywords
* Function "generators" modeled on Python generators
* `pod` and `namedarray` value types
* `cdouble`, `csingle`, and `bool` primitive values
* Peek and poke support for wires
* Improved `WireBroadcaster`, `WireUnicastReceiver`, and `PipeBroadcaster`
* Automatic thunk source generation using CMake function or NuGet package
* Improved CMake testing and install
* Asynchronous message reader/writer
* Improved network layer
* Improved node discovery
* "Subscriptions" concept
* Experimental support for USB, Bluetooth, and PCIe devices
* `ClientNodeSetup` and `ServerNodeSetup` to reduce boilerplate code
* Value types in C++ now extend `RRValue` and use boost::intrusive_ptr instead of boost::shared_ptr
* C++ type alias templates for when C++11 is available
* Distribution using PPA, PyPi, NuGet, vcpkg, and homebrew
* Updated to use boost-1.58.0 to boost-1.70.0
* Able to build as ROS package
There were breaking changes in this release:
* The format of MultiDimArrays was changed to use the new complex primitives instead of having separate `real` and `imag` fields
* The `LocalTransport` file handle locations have been moved for increased security
* The TCP node discovery has been modified to use a call and response method rather than sending discovery packets every 5 seconds. Nodes can still be detected by 0.8.1, but it will require over a minute to receive a discovery packet.