- Fix issue 12 causing the below error with ``romt crate import`` on Windows::
INDEX remote ``origin`` must have ``url`` as a local file
Romt requires the URL to be a local path (e.g., ``/path/to/origin.bundle``)
instead of a URL with a schema (e.g., ``https://server/path``). The check for
URL schemas was overzealous. URLs with a leading ``schema:`` prefix should be
rejected, but Windows paths with drive letters such as
``c:/path/to/origin.bundle`` are local; the ``c:`` drive letter should not be
considered to be a ``schema:`` prefix. Single-character schema-like prefixes
are no longer treated as errors.
- Clarify quick-start instructions, pointing out steps which are one-time only.
- Add probe for Alpine Linux's default location for ``git-http-backend``
(``/usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend``) in addition to the more common
location (``/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend``). This eliminates the need
for manual configuration with Alpine (see issue 11).
- Improve exception messages. For `DownloadError` in particular, embed the
`repr()` of the associated exception from `httpx` to aid in debugging
`httpx`-related errors (see also issue 10 for more debugging of `httpx`
proxy-related issues).
- Support ``{prefix}`` and ``{lowerprefix}`` in ``crate --crates-url``.
- Honor ``toolchain --no-signature`` for ``toolchain fixup`` (mainly for