
Latest version: v0.7.0

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- ``romt crate config`` now implies ``romt crate mark``, fixing a regression in
Romt 0.2.0. In older versions, only a single ``master`` branch was used for
the repository, so configuration changes were active
immediately after ``romt crate config``. As of Romt 0.2.0, such configuration
changes are instead made in a ``working`` branch that's not visible to Cargo
until the changes are published to ``master`` via a subsequent ``cargo crate
mark`` operation. To avoid the need to manually invoke ``cargo crate mark``,
``cargo crate config`` now performs the ``mark`` operation automatically.



- Switch to using a ``working`` branch as ``HEAD`` for the INDEX
( repository. This ensures that partial modifications to
INDEX aren't made available to clients on the ``master`` branch; these changes
will be published atomically to ``master`` via the ``mark`` command. Romt
will automatically and transparently attempt to upgrade INDEX to use a
``working`` branch as part of the ``pull`` command. See the description of
the ``pull`` command in README.rst for more details. As part of this work:

- The ``--end`` switch now defaults to ``HEAD`` instead of ``master``, such
that END uses the currently checked out branch (typically this
will now be the ``working`` branch).

- In addition to setting the ``mark`` branch, the ``mark`` command now also
sets the ``master`` branch.



- Fix failure with ``romt serve`` when using the PyInstaller-built executable
(see The implementation of
``romt serve`` is based on Python's ``http.serve`` module, which supports the
use of CGI scripts in the local ``cgi-bin/`` directory. In addition to
standard executables, ``http.serve`` also supports the use of simple Python
scripts in ``cgi-bin/``. This is accomplished by invoking the current Python
interpreter (recorded in ``sys.executable``) against the script file.
Unfortunately, PyInstaller doesn't expose the Python interpreter via
``sys.executable``; instead, PyInstaller sets this variable to be the path of
the generated executable.

To avoid the above problem, Romt no longer supports the use of simple ``*.py``
CGI scripts. Instead, only the following CGI executables are usable
(depending on platform):

- On Windows::


- On non-Windows::


If these aren't found at startup, Romt will generate a platform-dependent
CGI script to invoke Git's HTTP backend. See README.rst for more details.



- Add support for single-file executables using PyInstaller.



- Adjusted ``description`` in to avoid newlines. Apparently multi-line
descriptions throw off parsing of ``long_description``, leading to the below
error with ``twine check dist/*``::

`long_description` has syntax errors in markup and would
not be rendered on PyPI.
line 9: Error: Unexpected indentation.



- Initial version.

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