
Latest version: v0.6.9

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Other Changes
* Documentation adjustments to address grammatical mistakes and improve clarity (118).
* Dropped support for Python versions below 3.8, added support for Python3.12 (118).
* Added a "dev" recipe to to install dev dependencies (118).
* Updated pre-commit and adjusted to use Python3.8+ coding conventions (118).
* Tests now explicitly use pytest fixtures (118).
* Updated roocs.ini default values for the new CDS domain name (118).



Other Changes
* Fixed logging and updated conda env (115).



Other Changes
* Updated `roocs.ini` default values for atlas datasets for further methods of how to infer the project name (113).



Other Changes
* Updated `roocs.ini` default values for atlas datasets (111).
* Updated `xarray_utils` module to support reading `kerchunk` files (106).



Other Changes
* Updated ``realization`` dimension in common coords (108).
* Linting.
* Added Python 3.11 to tests.
* Updated requirements for cf_xarray.



Other Changes
* Added ``realization`` dimension to known coords (103).
* Update pre-commit.

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