
Latest version: v0.6.9

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Breaking Changes
* Inventory maker now removed and replaced by intake catalog maker which writes a csv file with the dataset entries and a yaml description file.
* In ``etc/roocs.ini`` the option ``use_inventory`` has been replaced by ``use_catalog`` and the inventory maker options have been replaced with equivalent catalog options. However, the option to include file paths or not no longer exists.
* The catalog maker now uses a database backend and creates a csv file so there are 3 new dependencies for the catalog maker: pandas and abcunit-backend and psycopg2.
This means a database backend must be specified and the paths for the pickle files in ``etc/roocs.ini`` are no longer necessary. For more information see the README.

Other Changes
* oyaml removed as a dependency



New Features
* Added ``AnyCalendarDateTime`` and ``str_to_AnyCalendarDateTime`` to ``utils.time_utils`` to aid in handling date strings that may not exist in all calendar types.
* Inventory maker will check latitude and longitude of the dataset it is scanning are within acceptable bounds and raise an exception if they are not.



Bug Fixes
* clean up imports ... remove pandas dependency.



Breaking Changes
* cf_xarray>=0.3.1 now required due to differing level identification of coordinates between versions.
* oyaml>=0.9 - new dependency for inventory
* Interface to inventory maker changed. Detailed instructions for use added in README.
* Adjusted file name template. Underscore removed before ``__derive__time_range``
* New dev dependency: GitPython==3.1.12

New Features
* Added ``use_inventory`` option to ``roocs.ini`` config and allow data to be used without checking an inventory.
* ``DatasetMapper`` class and wrapper functions added to ``roocs_utils.project_utils`` and ``roocs_utils.xarray_utils.xarray_utils`` to resolve all paths and dataset ids in the same way.
* ``FileMapper`` added in ``roocs_utils.utils.file_utils`` to resolve resolve multiple files with the same directory to their directory path.
* Fixed path mapping support added in ``DatasetMapper``
* Added ``DimensionParameter`` to be used with the average operation.

Other Changes
* Removed submodule for test data. Test data is now cloned from git using GitPython and cached
* ``CollectionParamter`` accepts an instance of ``FileMapper`` or a sequence of ``FileMapper`` objects
* Adjusted file name template to include an ``extra`` option before the file extension.
* Swapped from travis CI to GitHub actions



Breaking Changes
* Replaced use of ``cfunits`` by ``cf_xarray`` and ``cftime`` (new dependency) in ``roocs_utils.xarray_utils``.



Fixing pip install

Bug Fixes
* Importing and using roocs-utils when pip installing now works

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