
Latest version: v3.2.0

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- (**openapi**) Proper handling of operations with empty security list (115)


- Do not enforce commitizen check at CI (113)




- Ensure Python 3.9 support (109)


- (**deps**) bump attrs from 20.1.0 to 20.2.0 (108)
- (**deps-dev**) bump pytest from 6.0.1 to 6.1.0 (107)
- (**deps-dev**) bump coverage from 5.2.1 to 5.3 (106)
- (**deps**) bump pyrsistent from 0.16.0 to 0.17.3 (105)
- Integrate badabump for release needs (110)




- Require ``attrs>=19.1,<21`` to allow use ``attrs==20.1.0`` in dependent


- Massive infrastrucutre update: move code to ``src/`` directory, use latest
``pytest`` for tests, better ``Makefile`` targets, etc




- Ensure *rororo* to work properly with ``openapi-core==0.13.4``



Final **2.0.0** release, which completes reimplementing *rororo* as library
for implementing aiohttp.web OpenAPI 3 server applications with schema first


*rororo* relies on valid OpenAPI 3 schema (both JSON & YAML formats supported).
Example below illustrates using ``openapi.yaml`` schema file, stored next to
``app`` module,

.. code-block:: python

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

from aiohttp import web
from rororo import setup_openapi

from .views import operations

def create_app(argv: List[str] = None) -> web.Application:
return setup_openapi(
Path(__file__).parent / "openapi.yaml",

Then, you need to *register* operation handlers in ``views`` module. Example
below shows registering handler for *operationId* ``hello_world``,

.. code-block:: python

from aiohttp import web
from rororo import OperationTableDef

async def hello_world(request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.json_response({"data": "Hello, world!"})

`Documentation <>`_
provides more information on implementing aiohttp.web OpenAPI 3 server
applications with schema first approach using *rororo*.




- Allow passing ``schema`` and ``spec`` keyword args to ``setup_openapi``
(`84 <>`_)


- Handle all errors on creating OpenAPI spec from schema
(`74 <>`_)
- Allow nullable arrays & objects in request/response data
(`85 <>`_)


- Cast return values instead of type ignore comments
- Do not include changelog into dist
(`72 <>`_)
- Update docs with new rororo slogan
(`76 <>`_)
- Create GitHub release at pushing git tag
(`78 <>`_)
- Bump pre-commit hooks
- Preserve multiline strings in release body
(`78 <>`_)

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