
Latest version: v3.3.0

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- Allow passing ``schema`` and ``spec`` keyword args to ``setup_openapi``
(`84 <>`_)


- Handle all errors on creating OpenAPI spec from schema
(`74 <>`_)
- Allow nullable arrays & objects in request/response data
(`85 <>`_)


- Cast return values instead of type ignore comments
- Do not include changelog into dist
(`72 <>`_)
- Update docs with new rororo slogan
(`76 <>`_)
- Create GitHub release at pushing git tag
(`78 <>`_)
- Bump pre-commit hooks
- Preserve multiline strings in release body
(`78 <>`_)




- When possible pass request body as string to ``OpenAPIRequest``, not as bytes


- Update pre-commit hooks, integrate ``flake8-variable-names`` check




- Use ``yaml.CSafeLoader`` instead of ``yaml.SafeLoader`` when possible. Allow
to supply schema loader function to use custom loader, for example
``ujson.loads`` instead of ``json.loads``
- Use ``yaml.CSadeDumper`` instead of ``yaml.Dumper`` when possible on dumping
OpenAPI schema when it is requested in YAML format
- Allow to cache create schema and spec call, usable for speeding up tests


- Use ``sphinx-autobuild`` for building docs at local env



**Breaking Changes:**

- Use `environ-config <>`_ for settings
needs, instead of providing extra sugar to `attrs <>`_


- Upgrade to latest ``openapi-core==0.13.3``
- Support class based views
- Deprecate old approach of validating OpenAPI requests via
``openapi_operation`` decorator in favor of ``openapi_middleware``.
Improvements to error middleware, validate error responses against OpenAPI
schema as well
- Valid request data is freezed with
`pyrsistent.freeze <>`_
call. Parameters and security data now wrapped into
`pyrsistent.pmap <>`_
for immutability needs
- Use `email-validator <>`_ to support
``format: "email"``
- Ensure TZ aware date times works as expected
- Ensure support of optional security schemes


- Provide ``Todo-Backend`` example to illustrate how to use class based views
- Update pre-commit hooks, integrate ``blacken-docs`` & ``commitizen``
pre-commit hooks
- Speed up CI exec time, by not waiting on build to start test job
- Add more badges to README




- Provide human readable security, request & response validation
- Support free form objects in request body
- Allow to enable CORS / error middleware on setting up OpenAPI support for
``aiohttp.web`` application
- Provide ``BaseSettings`` and ``env_factory`` helpers to work with settings
within ``aiohttp.web`` applications. Cover how to work with settings at docs
as well


- Stricter ``mypy`` config to ensure ``operations.register`` is a typed




- ``setup_openapi`` function returns ``web.Applicaiton`` instead of ``None``
- Provide ``ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT`` for ``aiohttp`` applications

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