
Latest version: v1.7.0

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* Added function to set the default timeout value.
* Added ROS host and port parameters to the command-line interface.


* Fixed 87 where a goal could be marked as terminal on result alone rather
than both result and status.
* Ensure input of ``Time`` is always two integers.






* Fixed blocking issues on the Twisted/Autobahn-based implementation of websockets.






* Changed behavior: Advertising services automatically reconnect when websockets is reconnected.
* References to ROS master change to ROS.


* Added ``Header`` and ``Time`` data types.
* Added ROS API method to retrieve current ROS time: ``ros.get_time``.




* Added ``set_initial_delay``, ``set_max_delay`` and ``set_max_retries`` to ``RosBridgeClientFactory`` to control reconnection parameters.
* Added ``closing`` event to ``Ros`` class that gets triggered right before closing the connection.




* Changed behavior: Topics automatically reconnect when websockets is reconnected.


* Added blocking behavior to more ROS API methods: ``ros.get_nodes`` and ``ros.get_node_details``.
* Added reconnection support to IronPython implementation of websockets.
* Added automatic topic reconnection support for both subscribers and publishers.


* Fixed reconnection issues on the Twisted/Autobahn-based implementation of websockets.




* Fixed blocking service calls for Mac OS.

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