
Latest version: v1.7.0

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* The non-blocking event loop runner ``run()`` now defaults to 10 seconds timeout before raising an exception.


* Added blocking behavior to ROS API methods, e.g. ``ros.get_topics``.
* Added command-line mode to ROS API, e.g. ``roslibpy topic list``.
* Added blocking behavior to the ``Param`` class.
* Added parameter manipulation methods to ``Ros`` class: ``get_param``, ``set_param``, ``delete_param``.




* For consistency, ``timeout`` parameter of ``Goal.send()`` is now expressed in **seconds**, instead of milliseconds.


* The ``timeout`` parameter of ``ActionClient()`` is ignored in favor of blocking until the connection is established.


* Raise exceptions when timeouts expire on ROS connection or service calls.


* Support for calling a function in a thread from the Ros client.
* Added implementation of a Simple Action Server.




* The non-blocking event loop runner now waits for the connection to be established in order to minimize the need for ``on_ready`` handlers.


* Support blocking and non-blocking service calls.


* Fixed an internal unsubscribing issue.




* Resolve reconnection issues.




* Add a non-blocking event loop runner.




* Unsubscribing from a listener no longer requires the original callback to be passed.

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