
Latest version: v1.1.0

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- Updated to [rosu-pp v1.1.0](
- Mods can now be specified through more types than just `int` ([9]). Instead, it has to coincide with the following alias defintions:
GameMods = Union[int, str, GameMod, List[Union[GameMod, str, int]]]
GameMod = dict[str, Union[str, GameModSettings]]
GameModSettings = dict[str, Union[bool, float, str]]

That means, mods can be given either through their [(legacy) bitflags](, a string for acronyms, a "GameMod" `dict`, or a sequence whose items are either a "GameMod" `dict`, a single acronym string, or bitflags for a single mod.

A "GameMod" `dict` **must** have the item `'acronym': str` and an optional item `'settings': GameModSettings`.


- `PerformanceAttributes`' field `pp_accuracy` was accidentally actually named `pp_acc`; now it's definitely `pp_accuracy` ([7])


- Updated to [rosu-pp v1.0.0](
- Breaking changes ahead! There are now multiple different calculators:
- `Difficulty` to calculate `DifficultyAttributes`, `Strains`, or create gradual calculators
- `Performance` to calculate `PerformanceAttributes`
- `BeatmapAttributesBuilder` to calculate `BeatmapAttributes`
- `GradualDifficulty` to calculate `DifficultyAttributes` for each hitobject
- `GradualPerformance` to calculate `PerformanceAttributes` for each hitresult


Essentially only adjustments to the API so bindings won't need an update.

- __Additions:__
- Added `From<u8>` impl for `GameMode`
- Added the method `AnyPP::hitresult_priority`
- Added the method `[Mode]PP::generate_state` which returns the score state that will be used for performance calculation ([23])
- The struct `SortedVec` has now an improved public interface so it can be constructed and pushed onto ([22])

- __Breaking adjustments:__
- Removed the method `HitObject::end_time` from the public api. ([25])
- The fields `control_points` and `edge_sounds` of `HitObjectKind::Slider` are now stored in a `Box` rather than a `Vec`. ([26])
- Overhauled gradual calculation. All relevant types are now gated behind the `gradual` feature which must be enabled. ([24])
- `*GradualDifficultyAttributes` has been renamed to `*GradualDifficulty` and `*GradualPerformanceAttributes`
has been renamed to `*GradualPerformance`.
- Types for gradual calculation that depend on a lifetime now have a counterpart without a lifetime that might clone
underlying data along the way. E.g. now there is `CatchOwnedGradualDifficulty` and `[Mode]OwnedGradualPerformance`.
- `OsuGradualDifficulty` and thus `GradualDifficulty` no longer implement `Clone`.
- Gradual performance calculators' method `process_next_object` has been renamed to `next` and `process_next_n_objects`
has been renamed to `nth`. They now also have the new method `last`.
- Similar to `Iterator::nth`, gradual performance calculators' method `nth` is now zero-indexed i.e. passing `n=0`
will process 1 object, `n=1` will process 2, and so on.


- __Additions:__
- Added the method `{AnyStars/AnyPP}::is_convert` which **needs** to be used if the map was manually converted beforehand

- __Adjustments:__
- Specified clock rates can go below 0.001 again

- __Fixes:__
- Fixed underflow for osu!std scores that were FCs but quit mid-slider
- Fixed panic on incorrect file headers ([21])


- Updated to [rosu-pp v0.9.4](

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