
Latest version: v1.0.1

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- Removed the `GameMode` class again; use simple numbers instead (0/1/2/3)
- Updated to [rosu-pp v0.7.0](
- Added `strains` method for `Calculator` which returns instances of `Strains`


- Updated to [PyO3 v0.16]( from v0.15
- Updated to [rosu-pp v0.6](
- Added the class `GameMode` to serve as enum e.g. `GameMode.Taiko`
- `ScoreParams` now have an additional field `mode: Optional[GameMode]` which can be used to convert to other modes


- Bumped patch version of dependencies, including a [rosu-pp]( update


- Updated to [rosu-pp v0.5.1](
- `Calculator` now accepts the kwargs `ar`, `cs`, `hp`, and `od` to adjust the map's attributes
- Additionally to the kwargs, `Calculator` also has new methods `set_ar(v)`, `set_cs(v)`, `set_hp(v)`, and `set_od(v)`.
- `ScoreParams` has the additional field `clockRate` to specify a custom clock rate, providable as kwarg or through the setter
- `CalculateResult` now also includes a `clockRate` field


- __Fixes:__
- Fixed panic on maps with 0 objects
- Fixed droplet timings on juicestreams with span count >1
- Fixed timing point parsing on some (older) maps where "uninherited" value did not coincide with beat length
- Fixed handling .osu files with missing difficulty attributes
- Fixed huge memory allocations caused by incorrectly parsing .osu files
- __Breaking changes:__
- The `stars` and `strains` functions for all modes were removed. Instead use the `{Mode}Stars` builder pattern which is similar to `{Mode}PP`.
- `BeatmapExt::stars`'s definition was adjusted to use the `AnyStars` builder struct
- Store `HitObject::sound` in `Beatmap::sounds` instead to reduce the struct size
- Removed the mode features `osu`, `fruits`, `taiko`, and `mania`. Now all modes are always supported.
- Renamed the `rosu_pp::fruits` module to `rosu_pp::catch`. Similarly, all structs `Fruits{Name}` were renamed to `Catch{Name}` and enums over the mode have their `Fruits` variant renamed to `Catch`
- Renamed `Mods`' method `speed` to `clock_rate`
- __Additions:__
- Added `AttributeProvider` impl for `{Mode}PerformanceAttributes`
- Added the method `clock_rate` to `{Mode}PP` and `{Mode}Stars` to consider a custom clock rate instead of the one dictated by mods.




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